Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Thursday, October 14, 2004

My New Obsession

It took me almost half an hour this morning to figure out what to wear to work. No, I didn't have an important client meeting or a special rendez-vous after work. It is because I have a new obsession, which I am furiously trying to keep under wraps.

I am addicted to wearing ribbons.

It only started about a month ago, when I was trying to put together the perfect outfit for my cousin Terry's wedding, but now I look for ribbons/bows on every shopping expedition and try to work them into my wardrobe EVERYDAY.

I've already made myself return a houndstouth jacket with a cute bow belt from BR. I've also vetoed wearing ribbons in the wrist loopholes on my denim jacket. But this morning, I really really wanted to wear another jacket that I have with a black ribbon waist belt (somebody asked me if I was wearing a bowtie around my waist on a previous occasion). I had just worn it to work the previous Friday and after much deliberation (hoping that wearing it with different pants and accessories would make the look completely different), I took it off.

I struggled with what else to wear, and finally settled on a chunky brown wrap sweater that I tied a burgundy ribbon around. I fought with myself on my way out the door, but it stayed on, and I am very happy!

I am already trying to figure out how to wear a pink ribbon hairband in the coming days...I can't wait for Halloween!


  • At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Did you wear one today?

    As for Halloween, I'm sure we can work something out that involves ribbons everywhere, not just in your hair. Maybe you can be Little Bo Peep. She wears ribbons, doesn't she? Haha. Maybe I'll be your sheep.


  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    I am not wearing ribbons today, but have 2 ties.

    My top has a waist tie to the side which can be tied in a bow and I am wearing your black wrap sweater jacket which has a big tie.

    I don't think Bo Peep had ribbons, just curly hair, or curds...

  • At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ohmygosh. TELL me you didn't tie a big bow with my sweater coat.

    Also, no ribbons for Bo Peep? For some reason, I always pictured her with ribbons in her hair, on her dress, on her shepherdess' crook, etc....

  • At 9:24 AM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    i did not i did not. don't worry!


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