Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Friday, October 15, 2004


I'm going to Homecoming tomorrow morning. Since I graduated about a year and a half ago, I've been back to Penn a couple times for recruiting events or to visit friends in Philly, but I haven't had the chance to just walk around and soak it all in.

I'm excited but also a little nervous at what I'll find. Beloved cobbled stone steps, green lawns, and crisp Fall air await, but I know that it won't feel like 'home' anymore. This magical place will have passed onto a new generation of student. Friendships, papers, and foam parties will be reinvented with a new cast.

I'm feeling a little displaced right now. I'm not sure where home is anymore. When I moved to Philly, Penn truly felt like home, even after a couple of months. After over a year, New York still does not feel like home. However, there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be or that I think would feel more homey...

For now, I'll settle for getting to revisit a place where I have so many fond memories. Tomorrow, I'll be there, proudly donning a 'Puck Frincton' t-shirt, wistfully strolling along the walk.


  • At 7:47 AM, Blogger C said…

    Aww.. Penn.. say hi for me. Yeah, I know what you mean about feeling displaced, I've felt like that a lot about New York, but it's weird -- this last time I've come back, it's felt a lot more homey, a lot more settled in. It's cheesy but it's true -- sometimes you don't know what you've got until you're away from it. Maybe you'll rediscover your 'home' after your November adventures...

  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger lostpancake said…

    They do say it can take a while before NYC feels like "home". Fortunately, the consensus seems to be the 1 year mark. You're just about there!


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