Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Since graduating from college a year ago, I've found it very difficult to stay in touch with friends from high school and university. While I constantly wonder about how different people are doing, I rarely call, I'm terrible with mail or email, and I seldom visit my hometown for more than a weekend so it's hard to meet up with friends. Also, I'm really busy with work, as are many of my old classmates.

Living in an apartment in New York, I don't know even know my neighbors. I hang out with my roommates a lot (friends from college), a couple of friends who are also in the city, and talk to my long-distance boyfriend on the phone.

I think there are a lot of other people like me out there - families and friends spread out across the country/world, busy work schedules, and poor communication consistency. How do other people maintain a sense of community? David says that blogs are a 'fun way to stay in touch with friends.' I think IMs allow for quick, informal messages. I've recently become a member of AOL and can see how such a service can connect people too. I rely heavily on technology to replace face to face contact - can this be a good thing?

Monday, August 23, 2004

Dial Tone

I think I'm going to discontinue my phone service when I move to a new apartment next week. I never use my phone at home, now that I work so much and have a cell.

It'll be weird to not have a land line though - I've never been without a "real" phone number...I feel like I'll become less permanent, that I'll lose something stable...not have a home base. I'm worried about becoming unreachable and disconnected.

I can't believe a plastic box with buttons and a constant tone could be so important and comforting to me.