Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Moving on

It was an emotional day - I spent my entire morning crafting my goodbye email to the office. I had about 10 old "moving on" emails from former colleagues to build from, but none really fit how I wanted to leave off...the reason I was leaving, where I was going, what I would miss...

I finally sent it out around 3pm and got responses ranging from:

"CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo"


"We'll miss you"


"I'm excited for the road that lies ahead for you"

To clarify my cryptic posts, I am leaving consulting to join the corporate strategy group of a real company. I'm excited because I'll still be working with smart nice ex-consultants on similar work, but will get to interact more with business leaders, develop a different set of skills, see my strategy implemented, and have the option to jump into a business unit in a year or two.

On another note, there was a blizzard in NY today and it reminded me of how much I will miss the amazing views from my office. It was wild and swirling outside for most of the day, and then things calmed down and I saw the most beautiful hot pink sunset. Someone said it sort of matched what I was wearing (a pink cardigan and purplish tweed pants) and so must be in honor of me. =( I am cheered by the prospect of being able to pull out my giant white and pink Anime boots tomorrow though... sigh...


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