Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My new home

As beautiful as Seattle is, it is not New York.

It is quiet - so quiet that I can't sleep at night because the leaky faucet in the kitchen keeps me up with itsintermittentt tap tap...tap.

It is law-abiding - there is a strange group coercion here that prevents me from acting on my impulse to jaywalk on reds. All the other pedestrians are patiently waiting and staring me down.

It is lush - with all this accursed rain, we have brimming lakes, flowering trees, and spring bulbs everywhere...and all the creepy crawlies that go along with them. I used to be able to open my window without fear of mosquito attacks at night.

It is down to earth - you look dressed up if you don't have a huge fleece pullover and cargo pants on. Also, it appears that the activity of choice is hiking moutains. Blah.

It is lonely - aside from the extremely high weirdos I meet on the bus (they truly put New York creeps to shame), the heart of downtown is dead at 8pm at night...I miss the humanity and buzz of life.


  • At 6:31 AM, Blogger C said…

    i miss you! and new york with you! boo. :(

    hong kong has humans and lots of them, but it's lonely here too. and, it's getting disgustingly humid.

    let's move.

    next stop... ??

  • At 2:48 PM, Blogger Mr. Jeffrey said…

    you both can join me in Germany!

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger DD said…

    ok, i'm posting again! we can all figure it out together...

  • At 1:48 AM, Blogger C said…

    did d lie about posting again or did she make a new site and not tell me??


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