Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Monday, October 25, 2004

Happy Cat

I have been sooooo happy these last couple of days.

Things to be thankful for:

1) VACATION - a whole month of it

2) End of boring case - thanks to #1 above

3) Volunteering - painting dancing fruit (see Christine's post) and doing power lunch (reading Harry Potter to this wonderful 4th grader every other Friday makes me smiley all day long and every time I think about it!)

4) Pumpkin bash - I can't wait to dress up as a pirate

5) Seeing friends - so nice to stay in touch =D

6) Sleep - I am much much happier when I've had my 12-15 hours/weekend night. As I've told Christine recently, I think I've got being a 'grumpy pants' under control these days (making life much more pleasant for those around me), but instead have channeled my unhappiness into doubting interest in my job/etc...

7) Not having to pay for immunization shots. I love health insurance.

In other news - I've started freaking out about looking old. I've purchased a grab bag of anti-aging anti-wrinkle creams and am trialing them to see if they help. Scary!! I thought this stuff was for old people (e.g. women in their 40s??). Now I aspire to be that Oil of Olay Top Gun flight instructor.

I am also having vivid emotional dreams. Hopefully vacation takes care of that.


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