Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I am a virtuous cat

It has been MONTHS since I've posted, but that is because I've been a virtuous cat in my absence.
  • I started my new job and I LOVE IT! But I HATE the commute. I need to buy a car - if anyone is selling a reliable car, please let me know!
  • I've been apartment hunting and I found an apartment. This is very hard work. I never knew, because I've had virtuous roommates in the past that did this leg work for me. It is a great place in midtown west. If you are moving, consider moving nearby - it would be fab to have neighbors!
  • I've been buying new furniture and have started selling old furniture. I have a cool cream colored leather sectional sofa with pull-0ut bed thing on the way and have had some adventures via Craigslist (including robbery...initiated by this virtuous Cat, practicing Chinese with some movers, successfully steaming out wax stains on an upholstered chair, and so far making over $100 on sale of stuff).
  • I've been sooooooooooo incredibly good about not buying things in my traditional categories (e.g. clothing, grooming, accessories), so that I can spend more time and money on home furnishings.
  • I've learned to be very disciplined about taking public transportation. I take it everywhere, and have learned a lot about navigation while looking for apartments and furniture. I will soon be a New York I won't, who am I kidding?
  • I've been very handy - I've discovered Home Depot and painted a side table a deep glossy red, and potted some Gerber Daisies for my window sill. I love arts and crafts!

That's about it...hopefully I'll start writing regularly again soon.