Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Clinton Community Garden grape arbor

I'm so exciting about my new neighborhood's community garden!

Some pretty cool, and useful, discoveries

Did you know...
  1. You can sell your not-too-old magazines to the newsstand guy for $0.25, so they can resell them for $1 (at least the one on the corner of 86th and Broadway)? This is an especially good deal when you get your magazine subscriptions for 'free' by using your airline points.
  2. iPod Agent can help you easily transfer music from your iPod to your (ahem) second computer? Try it for free for 15 days, $15 thereafter. It used to be free.
  3. People who move-in with their boyfriends aren't suddenly different, or unfun, or unvisitable?
  4. American Airlines publishes $97 last minute round-trip sale fares from New York to Toronto every weekend I can't go?
  5. The W hotels are hosting cool summer events for free in their cities across the US?
  6. You can recoup ~50% of your furniture's original cost when selling in a liquid marketplace like NYC's Craigslist?
  7. You can post links to pages directly to your blogspot if you get the Google toolbar?
  8. Bryant Park's Monday night film festival starts June 20 with The Way We Were?
  9. You can get cheap haircuts and highlights from the best salons at their training nights (usually an amazing person supervises the session so it actually pays to be paired with the worst student)?
  10. About an interesting twist on microfinancing where consumer products companies like Unilever are providing microloans to poor rural women to sell their products in remote SE Asia villages (distribution channel + brand building + development! soooo cool)?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Hey mom, look what I did...

Actually, hopefully she doesn't see this til Sunday, but here is what I've been up to tonight:

Mother's Day Jigsaw Posted by Hello

I finally made use of my blank jigsaw 'canvas' =D