Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Monday, October 25, 2004

Things that crack me up...

My roommate Christine is such a nut. I find it hilarious and ridiculous that she gets really really excited by sweepstakes. You know, the one in a billion chances to win something.

The first time this surfaced, we were talking about an Air Canada Aeroplan (the frequent flier program) promotion. We had both separately received a letter about the chance to win like 100,000 miles. For those of you who aren't points junkies, that is enough to fly roundtrip in North America 4-6 times, or to fly to Asia once. You would be entered into a draw each time you flew on Air Canada. I had tossed the notice whereas she broadcast this news with bubbly excitement.

Today, she got a notice from Capital One that she could win the equivalent of the sum of all the things she charged in the 2004. Again, excessive enthusiasm. I made fun of her. She read the fine print and amusedly relayed that her chance of winning is estimated to be around 1 in 100 million.

Is it just me??

Another thing that gets me - she thinks it's sooooo cool that Home Depot has come to Manhattan.


  • At 8:32 PM, Blogger C said…

    Hmph. To each their own. See blog on "My New Obsession" as case in point. ;) Besides, we already knew we have different tastes... in men, among other things.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with getting excited by random things. Just because I know I probably won't win is hardly reason to not dream a little.

    And Home Depot? SO cool. I'm going to go nuts when I have my own place.

  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    Ok fine. I guess it's a good thing we like different things. Separately, since when did you start liking men vs. guys vs. boys?

    I do not object to dreams, but dreams based on 0% chances are depressing to me.

  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger DD said…

    You're right! She IS a nut.

    Hi :)


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