Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Sheer numbers

4 - wine glasses broken in the last week...all while sober

5 - friends between me and a free IPod

12 - different periodicals currently available in the living room, including Scientific American, Fortune, Modern Bride, Lucky, National Geographic, Business Week, the Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, Time, MIT SLoane Business Review, Elle, The New Criterion

13 - bottles of Clinique shampoo that are being delivered to this apartment in a box a day (not our fault - it's Christine's crazy Canadian friend who found out her favourite shampoo is being discontinued in Canada)

24 - approaching ages

25 - black balloons adorning this apartment

46 - percentage drop in price of my company's stock in last week and a half, but we're coming back now

50 - pounds of pumpkin bought tonight

156 - dollars, the cost of all that Clinique shampoo from Nordstrom, before tax

318 - text messages received last month (I'm still not sure where they are in my phone, because I sure didn't read that many)

500 - ballpark number of pages Christine reads every week for school


  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger Steve said…

    "46 - percentage drop in price of my company's stock in last week and a half, but we're coming back now"

    So you work for Marsh too? ;-)

    I hope you weren't counting on a raise or bonus next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm not too hopeful... they have to make up the money somewhere. My bonus was going to pay for a chunk of my wedding. My fiancee is not happy. :-(

  • At 11:13 AM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    yes, it is very sad...

    we'll all have to adjust our short-term plans.


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