Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Cambodia and beyond

My mom and I just returned from Cambodia....

It was an amazing three days, where we got to visit the temples near Siam Reap, including the very famous Angkor Wat. It was incredible to see so many ruined sites, and to imagine what it must have been like 1,000 years ago. It is also striking how poor Cambodia - we were able to hire a very good guide and a car and driver for under $50 per day. There were many children at every site peddling souveniers when they should have been in school, but their families need the extra income from every member of the household. It's very sad and a bit of a dilemma. Do you support the kids and encourage this kind of begging/selling, or do you refrain from buying so their families can't live?

It is HOT here - I am a bit sunburnt and am increasingly mistaken as being from Thailand or the Philippines, rather than Japan or Singapore as I was when I first arrived.

We are going to brave the stifling heat and smog of Bangkok in a couple of minutes to checkout Chinatown, a 5 ton golden Buddha, and the infamous red light district. My mother has insisted that we get in there at 5pm (when the knock off night market first opens) and out before nightfall.

There is so much to see and do, I can't believe 1/3 of my vacation is already over! While I've missed all my friends, it has been a good experience to be away from everything that is familiar.

I too am thinking about other things to do with myself. My long-time dream of being a National Geographic photographer has been revived, alongside some romanticized visions of being micro-financier/educator/archeologist in the Cambodian country-side.

Ok, have a fabulous weekend Chicago friends, Christine, and David. I wish I could be there!


Sunday, November 07, 2004

On the go...

Travel has been a lot of fun and I feel as though I've accomplished a lot already.

1) I am much more relaxed and well rested!

2) I have completed my theory and pool dives for my scuba diving certification...all I need now is a couple of open waters with an instructor. Yay!

3) I got to see Elvin, and though he was very busy this past week, we went on a couple of dates.

4) I don't miss email/Internet (that much)...amazing.

5) My mother and I are still on speaking terms...there were a couple of tense moments, but for the most part we are doing well. We are bonding, taking lots of pictures (ugh), and we are seeing the sights/enjoying ourselves despite me navigating everything.

6) We are off to Cambodia tomorrow, after 2 days in Thailand. We're coming back to Bangkok after for 2 days, but have decided not to go to Chiang Mai...will be in KL then Phuket instead.

7) I am still having awful dreams. Help!

I am out of batteries! Eek.

Cramped quarters

I always forget how terrible it is to fly economy long-distance.

20+ hours in a window seat, where even my knees (I am a relatively short 5'4.5" person) touch the seat in front of me, is definitely not to be endured too often.

Every time, I feel like a chicken cooped up in a cage. These are the chickens they raise en masse for eventual consumption. I have a vivid image of such chickens from a primary school unit on animal farming abuses... chickens given so little room to move around that their legs grew into and around the metal cages that surrounded them. Similar to tree trunks/roots growing through fences. Totally gross.

Plus, the stewardesses just keep feeding you and supplying you with fluids. You're wrapped up in a measly blanket and expected to sit still/sleep/watch movies until the tedium is over.


Monday, November 01, 2004

I'm alive!

Landed in Singapore this morning.

Will write more later =)