Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Cramped quarters

I always forget how terrible it is to fly economy long-distance.

20+ hours in a window seat, where even my knees (I am a relatively short 5'4.5" person) touch the seat in front of me, is definitely not to be endured too often.

Every time, I feel like a chicken cooped up in a cage. These are the chickens they raise en masse for eventual consumption. I have a vivid image of such chickens from a primary school unit on animal farming abuses... chickens given so little room to move around that their legs grew into and around the metal cages that surrounded them. Similar to tree trunks/roots growing through fences. Totally gross.

Plus, the stewardesses just keep feeding you and supplying you with fluids. You're wrapped up in a measly blanket and expected to sit still/sleep/watch movies until the tedium is over.



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