Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Sunday, October 31, 2004

linear movement

why isn't the world flat, our paths straight and narrow, and truths absolute?

when i keep myself busy enough, i forget about all the shades and color around me...but every so often, my mind wanders and i'm floored by the complexity.

for example, i've been thinking a lot about job satisfaction. before i had a job, i aspired to have a career that would always challenge, excite, and be impactful. now, i am becoming more open to the idea of tradeoff to maintain my sanity, though this thought makes me feel a bit guilty/lazy.

recently, i was reminded of a song i liked a lot by erykah badu, "next lifetime." when i used to listen to this song, it made me really sad, because i believed in it and believed that people are a bit powerless in affecting life's course. now, and related to some conversations with the girls, i don't think it makes any sense at all. not then at 20, not now at 23, not even at 36, 59, or 87.

i guess life is a lot simpler to explain to a child when the world is just 0s and 1s. when you expect to grow up to be a lawyer, to have 2 kids and 2 cars, to live near your mom and dad, to pay taxes and have a picket fence, and to go on vacation twice a year. now, even my mother's taken off the candy-coating assurance, which is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of all of this to me. last night she said, "the future is uncertain, so you must live now."


  • At 3:36 PM, Blogger C said…

    Probably not a coincidence that I have also been thinking about "Next Lifetime" again recently... more than anything, it makes me wistful... and you're right, more than a little sad. Looking at it now, it must've been my bubble again, because I used to still see some degree of hope behind the whole thing... as you point out though, maybe that's just really dumb...


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