Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Monday, February 14, 2005

Sully Jr.

For V-Day, I got a plant that will never die, named Sully Jr.

It is made of plastic and is solar powered, so its cute little pink shoots will keep on bopping so long as the sun will shine.

The old Sully has been through too much trauma, but nothing short of a sledge hammer can kill this plant.

My boyfriend is the sweetest, most thoughtful person ever!!

Happy Valentines Day everyone =D


  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger C said…

    Aww that's a great present! And Sully Sr. is still alive and kicking! We just need to remember to water him... heh

  • At 10:09 AM, Blogger DD said…

    Just don't water him too much!

    Geez, you think you're doing a good thing and then next thing you know, MOLD! Humph. >:|


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