Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Sully Jr. critique

Some male co-workers stopped by yesterday to assert that Sully Jr. is not a plant.

Their arguments were:
1) It is made of plastic
2) It moves
3) Its shoots are pink

I'm not sure how to respond...
- Some plants, especially desert plants, have waxy leaves to help with water retention...weak...
- Carnivorous plants can move very quickly when they are catching their prey?
- Some plants have non-green petals, like pointsettas?

In other news, I am going to Toronto this weekend to hang with the fam. CB and I also figured out why "P-Y-Jammers", "P-Y-Jammies", "P-Y-Jam-Jams" and our other variations on how we refer to sleep attire don't make sense to Americans. You spell it "pajamas", we spell it "pyjamas".


  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger C said…

    Poor Sully Jr. Like any parent, though, there's no real way to defend your child as he's being made fun of on the playground. Just make sure it doesn't change your love for him. ;p

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger C said…

    Dave, you disappoint me. Now you know exactly what you're going to hear the next time you crash on our couch.

  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger Mr. Jeffrey said…

    do you want me to beat up your co-workers?

  • At 4:47 AM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    david, i think i have used the phrase on you, and i think you were confused more than anything.

    i like pie-ana! thanks todd =D

    mr. jeffrey - i can always count on you to flex some muscle.


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