Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The last hurrah?

Related to CB's posting - what about all the single people out there who are also of this age? Has their outlook on relationships and what they're looking for changed as well?

Also, what does the entire ecosystem look like? If it's true that everyone in relationships is either getting married or getting single, some percentage of this world leaves for wedded bliss, but the rest rejoin singledom for one last hurrah before they too are off to the chapel. Let's assume divorce comes later and at varying times, so this really is the last chance to have greatest choice.

We are pondering away...


  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    Since the post -
    1) we've noticed it's mostly nice guys who are getting dumped. but are nice guys really not as good at holding onto their girls, or is it just that more nice guys are in long-term relationships to begin with?
    2) we're not sure if girls are dumping because of over confidence, career certainty/ relationship uncertainty, ticking clocks, or some other reason (the tempting not-nice-guys not in relationships?!)
    3) this last hurrah thing only works if the pool is somehow better now than when you were last single...presumably the pool was pretty good then too


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