Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

What could be cooler...?

While I'm waiting on my TV entertainment case to move past a bottleneck, I've been assigned to a 2.5 week due diligence on pool tables.

Between my library of People, Us Weekly and trashy UK mags, and my new stack of materials on billiards rules and accessories, I've probably got someone's dream job. All the girls stop by to leaf through the gossip columns and all the guys are excited to share their pool shark stories... but somehow this is not enough.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the press (TIME did a cover story in mid Jan and some other publications ran similar articles) about mid-twenties people putting off growing up. I closely identify with this group of young adults, who apparently seek minimal responsibility and restrictions, but living a life of randomness is really starting to get old.


  • At 9:37 PM, Blogger Mr. Jeffrey said…

    you have a neat job.
    If you want to shoot some stick, let me know, but I suck.
    The color of money, which was on this last weekend, is a great pool movie, though.


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