Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Sully Jr. critique

Some male co-workers stopped by yesterday to assert that Sully Jr. is not a plant.

Their arguments were:
1) It is made of plastic
2) It moves
3) Its shoots are pink

I'm not sure how to respond...
- Some plants, especially desert plants, have waxy leaves to help with water retention...weak...
- Carnivorous plants can move very quickly when they are catching their prey?
- Some plants have non-green petals, like pointsettas?

In other news, I am going to Toronto this weekend to hang with the fam. CB and I also figured out why "P-Y-Jammers", "P-Y-Jammies", "P-Y-Jam-Jams" and our other variations on how we refer to sleep attire don't make sense to Americans. You spell it "pajamas", we spell it "pyjamas".

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The last hurrah?

Related to CB's posting - what about all the single people out there who are also of this age? Has their outlook on relationships and what they're looking for changed as well?

Also, what does the entire ecosystem look like? If it's true that everyone in relationships is either getting married or getting single, some percentage of this world leaves for wedded bliss, but the rest rejoin singledom for one last hurrah before they too are off to the chapel. Let's assume divorce comes later and at varying times, so this really is the last chance to have greatest choice.

We are pondering away...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

What could be cooler...?

While I'm waiting on my TV entertainment case to move past a bottleneck, I've been assigned to a 2.5 week due diligence on pool tables.

Between my library of People, Us Weekly and trashy UK mags, and my new stack of materials on billiards rules and accessories, I've probably got someone's dream job. All the girls stop by to leaf through the gossip columns and all the guys are excited to share their pool shark stories... but somehow this is not enough.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the press (TIME did a cover story in mid Jan and some other publications ran similar articles) about mid-twenties people putting off growing up. I closely identify with this group of young adults, who apparently seek minimal responsibility and restrictions, but living a life of randomness is really starting to get old.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Sully Jr.

For V-Day, I got a plant that will never die, named Sully Jr.

It is made of plastic and is solar powered, so its cute little pink shoots will keep on bopping so long as the sun will shine.

The old Sully has been through too much trauma, but nothing short of a sledge hammer can kill this plant.

My boyfriend is the sweetest, most thoughtful person ever!!

Happy Valentines Day everyone =D

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Yesterday, I went up to AC. I was excited to go as I'd never been that into gambling, and I wasn't sure if that was because I hadn't been to many casinos before, or that I really am too risk adverse for the games. I also had visions of myself happily sitting at slot machines or being the high roller's good luck girl. I think these ideas were inspired by a Sex in the City episode.

It turns out that I'd rather hold onto my $20s for tangible things and that even the 5 cent slots can eat up $1 at a time (quite entertaining, but tricky). Thankfully Christine came with me - she rightly anticipated that I would have never found the Chinatown bus and that I would be bored out of my mind at AC without her company. After losing 2 hours amid the glittering, musical chinking, smoke-filled casino hall, we decided it was time to explore the boardwalk and beachfront.

What a difference! We stepped out near sunset on a beautiful Spring-like night. The sky was orange and fuchsia, seagulls were roosting along the beach, scattered sea shells dotted the sand, and we stumbled upon a group of surfers try to catch big waves crashing into shore. It was a perfect moment. Everything else - from life angst to Trump's gaudy taste - faded away.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I feel so lame...

I just bought myself People's 2005 Yearbook and a bunch of entertainment magazines to learn about celebrities and shows.

Did you know that Mary-Kate Olsen spent her 18th birthday in rehab for an eating disorder, or that Barbie and Ken broke up 2 days before V-day last year after being bf and gf for 43 years?

This is fascinating stuff...but it makes me feel really lame that I need to "research" what most people know cold.

Seperately, I still have made no headway with my shows - I'll start tomorrow night I guess.