Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Friday, January 21, 2005


This is killing me!!!!!!!!!

I have a perpetual scream ringing in my ears now. It is my brain shrieking with frustration. I just got back from the DMV, after an unsuccessful attempt to get an American photo ID. Apparently, people here on visas can't apply for a driver's license when they have less than 6 months left on their visa, and I have only a month before my visa expires.

This means that I won't be able to get my driver's license til, at best, the middle of February. It is very unclear as to whether this awesome case will still want me, given above. I think I'll end up being shipped to some stupid place where I'll have to do boring work and fire people (which also super sucks).

I am really starting to question the value of my Canadian identify. Where does national pride end and utility begin? I also hate being an alien and being less cool and have less rights and more difficulty than everyone else. I've been counciled to find an American boy who works for a 501C(3), whatever that means, and marry him for instant citizenship. Ugh. Any takers? I'm free this weekend.


  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger lostpancake said…

    A 501(c)(3) organization is a non-profit (tax exempt org).

    Not sure why marrying someone who works for a non-profit = instant citizenship though... ! But hey, that gives me an idea for a side business...


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