Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

More iPod news

They've just announced a beautiul $99 iPod. The iPod snowball is unavoidable! It plugs right into your USB like a thumb drive. Maybe I need another one?

So my PayPal payment for my iPod case finally cleared, but the eBay vendor emailed me today to tell me the blue color is no longer available! Soooo frustrating. I am debating whether I should get the cranberry/apple red or mustard yellow case for my blue mini. I am leaning towards red. Or I could wait another month for him to restock his blue cases.

Speaking of snowballs, I can't wait to learn how to snowboard on Sunday. I have vivid visions of myself rolling down the hill and accumulating snow until I become a giant snowball.


  • At 8:16 PM, Blogger Mr. Jeffrey said…

    blue and yellow is a nice combination, but mustard yellow? doesn't sound appealing. You know there is an apple shop at Prince and Greene and another apple retailer in Chelsea (I think around 23rd off of the 1/9). Maybe they have what you need.

    Looking forward to getting some footage of the snowball on Sunday.

  • At 5:04 AM, Blogger DD said…

    I'm learning snowboarding this weekend too! That or snow blading, which looks like incredible fun. And tubing. And snow mobiling... well, all in good time.

    I'll think of you when I'm rolling down the slope. Parallel lives, Cat.


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