Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Thursday, January 06, 2005

All by myself...

Wow - I think I'm starting to feel like how Christine felt in November.

After the whirlwind of activity before Christmas and up til New Years, I'm finding that living alone is very, ...well, lonely. Also, it allows you to do whatever you want to do, unchecked by fellow human beings, which means that you get to revert to your craziest.

So what have I been doing this past week, that is out of regular roommate character?

1. Coming home very late from work: I have a lot of work to do, but that is no different than how life was before the holidays. Since there's nobody at home to look forward to seeing and chatting with at the end of the day, why not just get everything done at work instead of lugging the laptop back and "work" with dinner/in front of the TV/in bed.

2. Sleeping in: I can't get out of bed anymore. There's nobody to worry about disturbing with your blasting Chinese radio alarm, so instead of turning off the alarm and hopping out of bed, I snooze til infinity.

3. Staying up late: Elvin got me the coolest cutest blue mini iPod for Christmas! It came late and I just got it Tuesday night. Since then, I've successfully wiped out the iPod's operating system, scratched up the iTunes installation CD, fixed the operating system, installed iTunes at work and at home, downloaded all my online MP3s to my iPod, purchased a beautiful blue leather protective case, and equalized the volume of all my songs. This has required a lot of dedication, given point #1 and #2 above. I think a good roommate would have told me to stop.

4. Gone tidying crazy: With all the extra time I have, I've been constantly puttering around the apartment cleaning, tidying and putting things in their place. I feel very domestic. What is going on?!

Christine, come home soon!


  • At 12:17 AM, Blogger C said…

    omg GG! i've totally not been keeping up with our blogs (clearly) but how exciting re: the ipod -- you can stop harrassing our friends to fill out their stuff for your free one.

    i will come home soon. you're not alone! don't be crazy. don't work too much. you can always talk to all our animate friends/objects at home :)


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