Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Related to DD's what if

Reading DD's what if has inspired me to think about my own what ifs. These are my top aspirational what ifs, off the top of my head.

I have some 'what if I were meant to be's (things that you can't control yourself, things that you would just happen to have the fortune of being born as) and 'what if I chose to be's (things you can control, but which are pretty unlikely given your current life).

What if I were meant to be:
- a deciduous forest, always changing but mostly a long-time observer
- a musical note, in the c major scale, who got to appear wherever the note is summoned
- a clown fish, unconscious bringer of joy to millions of Disney fans
- a stapler, a red cherished Swingline stapler
- born a jungle dweller, with grass skirts and long hair

What if I chose to be:
- an Antarctica underwater science researcher - per an IMAX film
- a home furnishings tester/critique - specializing in beds, maybe for the WSJ
- a full-time traveler/collector - anywhere and everywhere
- a microfinancier - in SE Asia
- uncaffeinated and untired - though neither National Geographic nor Time could find anything really wrong with caffeine
- Canadian again, i.e. go home and relish in my homeland
- single, in Chicago, with CB
- really really settled

What are your top what ifs?


  • At 6:07 AM, Blogger lostpancake said…

    I would argue that you can still choose to be that jungle dweller with a grass skirt and long hair. (don't you already have long hair?)

  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger cat & elvin said…

    yes true if it were just physical appearance and geographic relocation. i guess i meant also being born into a different culture...the language, the habits, the preferances, the diet, the rituals. i am romanticizing. i was watching a documentary about some of indonesia's outer islands on the andanman coast where the natives live unbothered in essentially a protected ecology. they still throw spears at enemies (or researchers who get too close to the island in their motor boats).


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