Cat's Adventures

new and cool in my world

Monday, January 10, 2005

Serendipity, but better

Yesterday night, I went skating in Central Park, just like they do in the movie Serendipity.


The air was crisp, but not too cold. They played fun dance songs that brought me back to high school, or other skating rinks. The rink was surrounded by pretty willow trees lit up for the holidays, and the bright city skyline was set a bit further back in the distance. I was with friends and had a great time catching up. I didn't fall once. There were so many cute things to notice. I think I spent half my time along the boards people watching.

My favourites include:
- Fearless kids: They are too little to be scared of falling. They skate as fast as they can, wipe out, and do it all again and again.
- A couple salsa dancing on ice: They were really good at salsa and skating... I thought it was awesome that you could bring activities from such different backgrounds together
- A little boy with the biggest head, eyes, and smile you ever saw: He was being dragged around and around the perimeter by his parents and didn't look that excited to be towed along...but every time he would pass me, I'd smile at him and he would break out into the sweetest smile in the world, oblivious to everything else around him
- These tough looking guys: Teenage thug wannabes who were trying to twirl like figure skaters, as they were watching this really good guy doing jumps in the middle
- Skate patrol: They are the same here as they are in canada. Speedy skaters who think they're police officers because they have a whistle to "toot toot" at you when you break the rules. Hilarious!
- Cute couples holding hands: Sigh! Also good protection against falling down and having your hands slices by a wayward skater.

We capped off the evening with a delicious Vietnamese dinner and more movie fun with desserts at Cafe Lalo of You've Got Mail fame.

Things like this really make me LOVE living in New York. I was so happy!!


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